Immerse yourself in the wild

THE WILD with Chris Morgan is a podcast about the wonder and resilience of nature, taking listeners on a journey from the pacific northwest to complex ecosystems around the world. More than just science, THE WILD is about hope and why people work so hard to protect what’s still wild.

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Latest Episode


Leave it to beavers, seriously

Chris chews on the ways beavers can be unlikely heroes for our ecosystems

The quietest place on earth

Chris travels to the Hoh Rainforest in Washington’s Olympic National Park to visit a placed called the “one square inch of silence.”

Coral Reefs: A biological symphony

Chris meets with a researcher with an idea about using the power of audio to help coral reefs rebound.

Nuclear Sea Otters: A wildlife refugee

This unique wildlife story starts with a nuclear explosion — literally. 50 years later, Chris checks in on a rescue mission to save sea otters and recolonize them on North America’s west coast.

Sitting on a den of rattlesnakes

Chris heads out with two wildlife biologists to look for rattlesnakes as they emerge from hibernation and learn about the important role these snakes play in our ecosystem.